In this blog post, we show how we developed a CLI tool to install and manage StreamPipes. In addition, we present a template project that enables you to easily create a CLI tool for your own docker application. All you need is a working docker-compose.yml file.
Preview: StreamPipes release 0.60.0
It's been a while since our last blog post. However, in the background we are working hard to release the next version of StreamPipes which is currently in the final phase. In this post, we'd like to give you a preview of the upcoming StreamPipes version 0.60.0, which brings many new features and improvements.
How to understand your machine data?
Data is the new oil. Probably everybody of you has heard or read this sentence before. It is often stated how important data and data understanding is for companies today. But what does this actually mean? How does the data look like that is produced by your machines and systems? And how can we solve the big challenge to turn this raw data into insights that can be understood by humans?
Welcome to StreamPipes!
Welcome to our new blog. StreamPipes is the new, easy-to-use self-service data analytics toolbox for the Industrial IoT. In the coming weeks, we'll publish a series of blog posts that explain some ideas of StreamPipes. You'll read about use cases, best practices as well as technical details.
Stay tuned!