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Adapters as Code

In Apache StreamPipes, adapters are typically created via the web interface. However, it is possible to create adapters programmatically using a compact YAML format and the treamPipes REST API. Programmatic creation of adapters can be a useful feature in cases where many similar adapters have to be created. In this case, an externally managed YAMl file containing the full adapter configuration can be used and modified.


In StreamPipes, adapters are responsible for collecting data from various industrial data sources. While the UI simplifies this process, you can also manage adapters programmatically for better automation, integration with CI/CD pipelines, or infrastructure-as-code practices.

This guide demonstrates how to define and create adapters using a YAML format and StreamPipes REST API, offering more flexibility to manage adapters programmatically.

Adapter YAML Structure​

An adapter in StreamPipes can be defined using a YAML file, which contains a compact description of the adapter configuration. The basic structure of the YAML format for an adapter definition includes:

  • Name: The name of the adapter.
  • ID: A unique ID for the adapter
  • Description: An additional description of the adapter
  • AppID: The adapter type
  • Configuration: Configuration details such as connection details, polling intervals, data format, and more
  • Schema: Schema refinements, e.g., additional label, description, semantic type and property scope
  • Enrich: Enrichment rules. Currently, only timestamp enrichment rules are supported in the YAML specification
  • Transform: Transformation rules. Currently, rename and measurement unit transforms are supported.
  • CreateOptions: Additional operations that are executed upon adapter generation.

Here’s a sample structure to define an OPC-UA adapter:

name: My OPC Adapter
id: testadapter
description: Test
appId: org.apache.streampipes.connect.iiot.adapters.opcua
- opc_host_or_url: OPC_URL
opc_server_url: opc.tcp://localhost:62541/milo
- adapter_type: PULL_MODE
pulling_interval: 1000
- access_mode: UNAUTHENTICATED
- available_nodes:
- "ns=2;s=Leakage Test Station/temperature"
- "ns=2;s=Leakage Test Station/pressure"

propertyScope: measurement
label: Temp
description: Temperature value

timestamp: timestamp

pressure: pressure3

persist: true
start: true

Programmatically creating adapters​

Here is a walkthrough to create an adapter programmatically over the API:

Background: Internal adapter generation process​

The YAML definition file is a more compact notation of StreamPipes' internal data format to represent an adapter. When creating an adapter over the user interface, StreamPipes requires some basic, adapter-specific settings. Afterwards, a Guess Schema step is executed. In this step, StreamPipes connects to the underlying data sources, receives some samples of live data, determines the exact schema of the data stream and provides user with the source schema. This schema can be further refined using Transformation Rules.

When an adapter is created using the more compact YAML notation, the same process is applied. Based on the provided configuration, the API connects to the given data source and determines the schema. The transformation rules provided in the YAMl definition are then applied on the original schema. Therefore, it is important that the provided schema refinement and transformation steps fit the original schema.

Getting a valid definition file​

The easiest way to create a valid YAML file is the user interface. Within the StreamPipes Connect view, it is possible to export the YAML definition for all existing adapters. In addition, the adapter generation wizard also offers the option to view the adapter configuration before creating the adapter by clicking the Code checkbox:

StreamPipes Adapter Code View

Another option is to open the adapter details view:

StreamPipes Adapter Details Code View

You can copy this definition and modify it according to your needs.


For each configuration option in the user interface, there is a mapping to the YAMl definition.

A configuration value is a key/value pair, where the key corresponds to the internal name of the configuration and the value depends on the configuration type.


Schema definitions enhance the metadata of each field from the input stream. The following configurations are supported:

  • label to add an additional (human-readable) label to the field
  • description for an additional description
  • propertyScope to determine the type of the field (HEADER_PROPERTY, DIMENSION_PROPERTY or MEASUREMENT_PROPERTY)
  • semanticType to provide the semantic type of the field (e.g.,


  • timestamp defines that an additional field named timestamp is added to each incoming event containing the ingestion time as a UNIX timestamp.


Currently, the following transforms are supported:

  • rename defines renaming of individual fields from the input stream. A valid configuration consists of a key/value pair, where the key indicates the original field name and the value the target field name.
  • measurementUnit defines a value transformation between measurement units. A valid configuration consists of a key/value pair, where the key indicates the field name and the value the target measurement unit.


Currently, two settings can be provided in the CreateOptions section:

  • persist indicates whether the data stream produced by the adapter should also be stored. In this case, a Persist Pipeline is automatically created.
  • start indicates whether the adapter should be immediately started after creation.


To create a new adapter, call the StreamPipes API as follows:

POST /streampipes-backend/api/v2/compact-adapters
Content-type: application/yml
Accept: application/yml

You must provide valid credentials by either adding a Bearer token or an API key:

X-API-USER: your username
X-API-KEY: your api key

The body of the request should contain the YAML definition.


It is also possible to provide the adapter specification as a JSON document. In this case, change the Content-type to application/json.