Geo Geometry Validation Filter
Checks the geometry event if the geometry is simple and / or empty.
Required inputs
- JTS Geometry
- EPSG Code
- Validation Type
- Validation Output
Validates geometry of different validations categories.
Point Geometry Field
Input Point Geometry
EPSG field
Integer value representing EPSG code
Validation Type
- IsEmpty - Geometry is empty.
- IsSimple - Geometry is simple. The SFS definition of simplicity follows the general rule that a Geometry is simple if it has no points of self-tangency, self-intersection or other anomalous points.
- Valid polygon geometries are simple, since their rings must not self-intersect.
- Linear rings have the same semantics.
- Linear geometries are simple if they do not self-intersect at points other than boundary points.
- Zero-dimensional geometries (points) are simple if they have no repeated points.
- Empty Geometries are always simple!
Validation Output
Chose the output result of the filter.
- Valid - all valid events are parsed through
- Invalid - all invalid events are parsed through
All events that match the validation output.