Apache StreamPipes Documentation
This is the documentation of Apache StreamPipes.

🚀 Try
Your first steps with Apache StreamPipes:
Install StreamPipes 🔗💡 Concepts
Learn about some general concepts of StreamPipes:
Overview 🔗🎓 Use
Learn how to use the various modules of StreamPipes:
StreamPipes Connect 🔗,Pipeline Editor 🔗,Managing Pipelines 🔗,Live Dashboard 🔗,Data Explorer 🔗,Notifications 🔗📚 Pipeline Elements
⚡ Deploy
💻 Extend
Write your own pipeline elements for StreamPipes:
Development Setup 🔗, CLI 🔗, Maven Archetypes 🔗,Tutorial Data Sources 🔗,Tutorial Data Processors 🔗,Tutorial Data Sinks 🔗,Event Model 🔗,Stream Requirements 🔗,Static Properties 🔗,Output Strategies 🔗🔧 Technicals
Learn about technical concepts behind the curtain:
Architecture 🔗,User Guidance 🔗 ,Runtime Wrappers 🔗,Messaging 🔗,Configuration 🔗👪 Community
🐍 StreamPipes Python
Discover what we offer for the Python world:
Python Documentation 🔗