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Version: 0.90.0

Creates JTS Point


This processor creates a JTS Point geometry from latitude and longitude value.

Required input

  • Ontology Vocabulary Latitude
  • Ontology Vocabulary Longitude
  • Integer value representing EPSG Code


Creates a JTS Geometry Point from Longitude (x) and Latitude (y) values in the coordinate reference system represented by the EPSG code. An empty point geometry is created if latitude or longitude value is missing in the event (e.g. null value) or values are out of range. Allowed values for Longitude are between -180.00 and 180.00; Latitude values between -90.00 and 90.00.

1st parameter

Latitude value

2nd parameter

Longitude value

3rd parameter

EPSG code value


Adds a point geometry in the Well Known Text notation and in Longitude (x) Latitude (y) axis order to the stream.


  • Input stream:
    {latitude=48.5622, longitude=-76.3501, EPSG=4326}

  • Output Stream
    {latitude=48.5622, longitude=-76.3501, EPSG=4326, geom_wkt=POINT (-76.3501 48.5622)}