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· 5 min read

8 minutes to read

The Apache StreamPipes (incubating) community is pleased to announce Apache StreamPipes version 0.68.0! The latest release brings many improvements related to health management of pipelines and pipeline monitoring, improved user guidance such as a live preview in the pipeline editor and better handling of pipeline updates as well as several new data processors and sinks such as support for NATS. In addition, the release contains several bug fixes related to K8s deployment, PLC adapters and pipeline management.

· 12 min read
StreamPipes on k3s**
15 minutes to read

This blog post is the second part of a series on how we want to bring StreamPipes closer to the edge. The first part describes how we managed to build and deploy StreamPipes on one Raspberry Pi (Model 4), while the second part further covers how to deploy StreamPipes over a Kubernetes cluster of two Raspberry Pi's via k3s using our StreamPipes helm chart.

· 4 min read

6 minutes to read

The Apache StreamPipes (incubating) community is proud to announce Apache StreamPipes version 0.66.0! This release is our first official Apache release and brings some very cool features and improvements the community has worked on over the past months.

· 6 min read
StreamPipes on Raspberry Pi**
5 minutes to read

This is the start of a two part series on how we want to bring StreamPipes closer to the edge. The first part describes how we managed to build and deploy StreamPipes on one Raspberry Pi (Model 4), while the second part further covers how to deploy StreamPipes over a Kubernetes cluster of two Raspberry Pi's via K3s using our StreamPipes helm chart.

· 3 min read

5 minutes to read

We are happy to announce StreamPipes version 0.65.0! This release brings performance improvements related to the installation process and further reduces the minimum hardware requirements to run StreamPipes.

· 3 min read

5 minutes to read

Usually, we try to publish a new StreamPipes release every three months. But after attending a very exciting ApacheCon last week, where we worked with some Apache communities on a few really cool new features, we decided to release these features as soon as possible. So here's StreamPipes 0.64.0!

· 4 min read

5 minutes to read

StreamPipes version 0.63.0 has been released! Following our release plan to alternate between user-faced and backend-oriented releases, this release contains many (more than 70) features and improvements, mainly on the backend side. The new version is available on Docker Hub and can be downloaded using our installer.

· 3 min read

6 minutes to read

StreamPipes version 0.62.0 has been released! While the last version brought many features under the hood, this new version totally focuses on features and improvements visible to end users. The new version is available on Docker Hub and can be downloaded using our installer.

· 4 min read

5 minutes to read

We are proud to release StreamPipes version 0.61.0, which brings many improvements and some exciting new features that simplify pipeline development! The new version, which is already available on Docker Hub and can be downloaded using our installer brings over 20 improvements. Under the hood, a reworked event model simplifies the development of new pipeline elements using the built-in SDK.