Geo Buffer Point
Creates a buffer polygon geometry from a point geometry
Required inputs
- JTS Geometry
- EPSG Code
- Distance
- Cap Style
- Simplify Factor
- Quadrant Segments
Geometry Field
Input Point Geometry
EPSG field
Integer value representing EPSG code
The buffer distance around the geometry in meter
Cap Style
Defines the endcap style of the buffer. CAP_ROUND - the usual round end caps CAP_SQUARE - end caps are squared off at the buffer distance beyond the line ends
Simplify Factor
The default simplify factor provides an accuracy of about 1%, which matches the accuracy of the default Quadrant Segments parameter.
Quadrant Segments
The default number of facets into which to divide a fillet of 90 degrees.
A polygon geometry with EPSG code. Shape is defined by input parameters.