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Version: 0.95.1



Stores events in a Redis key-value store.

Required input

This sink does not have any requirements and works with any incoming event type.


Describe the configuration parameters here


The hostname of the Redis instance


The port of the Redis instance (default 6379)

Key Field

Runtime field to be used as the key when storing the event. If auto-increment is enabled, this setting will be ignored.

Auto Increment

Enabling this will generate a sequential numeric key for every record inserted. (note: enabling this will ignore Key Field)

Expiration Time (Optional)

The expiration time for a persisted event.

Password (Optional)

The password for the Redis instance.

Connection Name (Optional)

A connection name to assign for the current connection.

DB Index (Optional)

Zero-based numeric index for Redis database.

Max Active (Redis Pool) (Optional)

The maximum number of connections that can be allocated from the pool.

Max Idle (Redis Pool) (Optional)

The maximum number of connections that can remain idle in the pool.

Max Wait (Redis Pool) (Optional)

The maximum number of milliseconds that the caller needs to wait when no connection is available.

Max Timeout (Redis Pool) (Optional)

The maximum time for connection timeout and read/write timeout.


(not applicable for data sinks)